Dates, venue and opening hours


Paris Nord Villepinte exhibition centre
ZAC Paris Nord 2, 93420 Villepinte – France (Halls 5a – 5b – 6)


Dates and opening times

Eurosatory 2026 will be open: Monday June 15 to Thursday June 18 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday June 19 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Access to the exhibition will only be authorised to people who have requested their badge online. The badge is mandatory, it must be printed in color before coming.

Visitor information

+33 (0) 1 44 14 51 06

How to get to Eurosatory

To get to Eurosatory from Paris’ two main airports:

  • Paris-CDG airport: The exhibition centre is 5 minutes from Paris-CDG. Take RER line B towards Paris. Get off at Parc des Expositions
  • Paris-Orly airport: Take Orly-Val and change onto RER B at Antony, direction Aéroport Charles-de-Gaulle Get off at Parc des Expositions.

Benefit from preferential fares for your air travel with our partner Air France KLM (up to -15% on international routes, as well as preferential sales and after-sales conditions on routes in mainland France, including Corsica).

Event: EUROSATORY 2024

Code identifier: 40511AF
Valid for transport from: June 6, 2024 – July 1, 2024

Event venue: Paris – Charles De Gaulle, France

By rail


The Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre is a 5-minute RER trip from CDG Airport TGV station, and 20 minutes from Gare du Nord.

Public transport from Paris

  • How to get there: join RER line B, take the “Aéroport Roissy-Charles de Gaulle” direction and get off at the “Parc des Expositions” station.
  • Duration:Approx. 20 minutes from central Paris, a train every 7 minutes, all day from 7.00 am to 8.00 pm

Remember to buy an “Île-de-France” ticket at the nearest ticket office: Ticket T+ (metro) tickets are not valid on these routes. You need to buy Ile de France zone 4 tickets at the ticket office or via a ticket machine in the station.

Public transport from Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport

  • Arriving by plane at CDG1 terminal: take the airport shuttle to CDG 2 RER station.
  • Arriving by plane at CDG2: go to the TGV/RER station inside the terminal (between terminals CD and EF) and take the RER towards Paris, getting off at the “Parc des Expositions” station.
  • Arriving by TGV: take the RER from the same station.

Public transport from Orly airport

  • Journey: take Orlyval (light automatic metro), change at Antony and take RER line B towards Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport. Get off at “Parc des Expositions” station.
  • Duration: Approximately 50 minutes from Orly.
  • Fares: tickets can be purchased at all metro and RER stations.

By shuttle service


As part of the Welcome Pack, benefit from a complete welcome, transport and service package:

Access the show in complete peace of mind with the free Villepinte Express shuttles, which provide a continuous transport service between Paris Charles de Gaulle airport and Paris Nord Villepinte.

The Pack Accueil service for visitors and exhibitors is offered by the Welcome Pack partners: the Comité Régional du Tourisme Paris Ile-de-France, Viparis, the Accor group and Paris Aéroport.

  • Schedules and drop-offs:

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport/TGV station* to Eurosatory Hall 5B: departures every 30 minutes from 9am to 2.30pm.

– Eurosatory Hall 5B direction Aéroport/Gare TGV Paris Charles de Gaulle*: departures every 30 minutes from 2.30pm to 7pm.

* Departure from Charles de Gaulle from terminals 1, 2B and 2F.

By road

  • From northern/western Paris: Take motorways A1 or A3 then turn off onto the A104 towards Soissons. Follow signs to Parc des Expositions. (In the event of congestion on the A1, exit at Le Bourget and follow the N2, N370 and CD40 to get to the exhibition centre).
  • From Paris Bercy, Orly, A6: Motorway A4, then A86 and A3 (in the event of congestion at A6 junction, take A104) to Parc des Expositions.
  • From Paris-CDG, Lille, Belgium: motorway A1 then A104, exit at Parc des Expositions.
  • From Germany/Nancy/Metz: Motorway A4 then A104. Exit at Parc des Expositions.

On leaving the exhibition grounds, a second lane leads to A104 to Lille and Brussels.

In the event of congestion, take the A3 to Garonor, where there is a junction onto the A1.


  • Visitor access: A1 freeway, then A104, exit 1, then on arrival at the site, head for the “Visitors P1” parking lot.
  • Exhibitor access: Freeway A1 then A104, exit n°1 then when you arrive at the site go to the “Parkings Exposants Pe4 et P3”.

Payment for visitor parking on site only

Rates :
from 0 to 6 hours: 0.80€ / 15 min
from the 7th to the 24th hour: €20
each additional 24h: €20
Lost ticket per 24h: €20



Offer your free seats or find your carpool



The Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Center is part of the Paris cab network.
At the start of the Parc des Expositions, a cab rank is located in the hall 7 passageway, accessed via the reception gallery.

Transportation by motorbike

Motorcycle transport is also available to save time on the road. Motocab : +33(0)8 10 81 14 22


Freeway A1 then A104, exit n°1 then on arrival at the site go to “Parking Pe1 – Hall 1”.

Reduced mobility access


For the persons handicapped or of reduced mobility (PRM).

Reserved parking spaces in the PO parking lot
Loan of wheelchairs (Hall 6 first-aid station), with possibility of reservation

To make all areas accessible to all, a route for people with reduced mobility has been set up throughout the Paris Nord Villepinte site.

Preferential flight rates

Benefit from preferential fares for your air travel with our partner Air France KLM (up to -15% on international routes, as well as preferential sales and after-sales conditions on routes in mainland France, including Corsica).


Event : EUROSATORY 2024

Identifier code: 40511AF
Valid for transport from: June 6, 2024 July1, 2024.

Event venue : Paris – Charles De Gaulle, France


EUROSATORY has chosen Revolugo as the official travel agency for EUROSATORY 2024 trade fair participants.

Revolugo offers several accommodation options near the Paris Nord Villepinte exhibition center, and throughout Paris.

Your hotel reservation, data and personal information are protected and secure.
In order to benefit from the best negotiated rates, and due to high demand during the event period, we recommend that you book your stay as soon as possible.


Useful information :

For further assistance or group bookings, please contact the dedicated project manager :

Email :

Tel: +33 (0)1 80 06 62 88 (toll-free – 9am to 7pm)

Mise en garde face aux arnaques au logement

Comme chaque année malheureusement, de nombreuses sociétés frauduleuses ou revendeurs d’hôtels essaient toujours de solliciter les participants du salon EUROSATORY, en se présentant comme partenaire ou affilié de l’événement, offrant des tarifs négociés et réductions sur les hôtels. Nous vous recommandons fortement de réserver uniquement par l’intermédiaire de notre unique agence officielle Revolugo.

Comment fonctionnent ces fraudes ?

Vous recevrez sans doute dans les prochains mois des emails de la part d’agents ou revendeurs offrant des tarifs négociés sur les hôtels pour votre venue à Paris. Certaines sociétés iront d’ailleurs jusqu’à utiliser le logo et nom EUROSATORY pour vous induire en erreur, en se faisant passer comme un partenaire légitime. Nous vous recommandons donc de vous adresser uniquement à notre partenaire officiel et éviter ces fraudes.

Par exemple, ils vous demanderont un paiement ou acompte pour bénéficier de leurs tarifs. Si vous décidez de réserver via ces agences non affiliées au salon EUROSATORY, vous prenez le risque de réserver sans garantie et de perdre de l’argent sur ces réservations. Nous ne pouvons vous assurer que ces réservations soient effectives.

Merci de bien effectuer vos réservations d’hôtels directement via le portail Revolugo, plus haut sur la page ou en cliquant sur le lien de réservation ici.

Pour toute question relative à votre voyage, merci de contacter

Eviter la fraude

  • Réservez via notre Agence officielle, Revolugo. Revolugo est une agence de voyage reconnue et travaillant avec les plus gros organisateurs d’événements au monde.
  • Ne prêtez pas attention aux sollicitations externes, même si le nom/logo EUROSATORY sont utilisés. La seule plateforme agréée et partenaire du salon EUROSATORY, autorisée à utiliser ce contenu est l’agence Revolugo.
  • Si vous choisissez une autre agence de voyage, faites bien attention à vérifier leur réputation.

Beware of Hotel Fraud and Scams

Unfortunately, many fraudulent companies or hotel resellers always try to contact attendees posing as affiliated companies with EUROSATORY, offering deals and discounts on hotels. We strongly advise you to book through our only official travel agent Revolugo.

How Does Hotel Fraud Work?

You may receive a few months prior the show some emails from agents or resellers with discounts and/or hotel offers. Some companies often imitate EUROSATORY name in their address to be seen as legitimate providers. We strongly recommend you to only trust our agent and avoid those housing scammers.

For instance, they might ask payment for you to receive discounts. If you choose to work with those unofficial vendors, we cannot assure you that those reservations have been made with selected hotels. You might realize you just lost money you won’t be able to get back.

Please make sure to book your hotel reservations directly through the Revolugo widget above on this page or by contacting our travel agents on

If you have any questions related to your trip, please contact

Avoid fraud

  • Book through our Official Housing Partner, Revolugo. Revolugo is a trusted travel agent working with the biggest exhibition organizers worldwide.
  • Do not pay attention even if EUROSATORY name and/or logo on unofficial providers’ websites. The only accommodation platform by EUROSATORY authorized to use your name and logo is Revolugo.
  • If you choose another travel agent, make sure to check their reputation.