2024 innovations


Services, Communication and Information systems, Disaster/Business Continuity and Homeland Security

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FAVE Nathalie

Responsable Stratégie et Solutions Défense et Sécurité
26 Avenue Jean François Champollion Bp 52309 31023 TOULOUSE CEDEX 1


Technical document

The meta-operator, the privileged gateway to the New Space


Hall 6 - E310
In the dynamic context of the New Space, Telespazio France's meta operator revolutionizes access to spatial data. Within this constantly evolving ecosystem, offering a diversity of space missions and introducing new types of data at reduced costs, our meta operator proposes an innovative approach. By redefining the operational approach, it simplifies the selection and access to spatial data through an intuitive computer tool and a user friendly portal. Thus, it allows focusing exclusively on tasks with higher added value ensuring maximum use and exploitation of information at all levels.
In the dynamic context of the New Space, Telespazio France's meta operator revolutionizes access to spatial data. Within this constantly evolving ecosystem, offering a diversity of space missions and introducing new types of data at reduced costs, our meta operator proposes an innovative approach. By redefining the operational approach, it simplifies the selection and access to spatial data through an intuitive computer tool and a user friendly portal. Thus, it allows focusing exclusively on tasks with higher added value ensuring maximum use and exploitation of information at all levels.

Innovation character

Simplifying the formulation of operational needs, the sensor selection process is simplified by automating the choice of the best sensor. Through our interconnected solution, we ensure seamless coordination with suppliers and satellite mission centers. The key words of our solution are Agnosticity, increased Responsiveness, consolidated Expertise, ease of uSe.

TRL6 - Technology demonstration in a representative environment