2024 innovations



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WANG Yvonne

Responsable commercial/Ingénieur commercial
7F-A, No. 1, Sec. 3, Gongdao 5th Rd., Hsinchu 300, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 300 HSINCHU
+886 903 148 106


Technical document


Tron Future Tech

Hall 5a - HJ390
T.Radar Pro is a state-of-the-art software-defined all-digital 4D AESA pulse-Doppler radar. The foldable and lightweight design packs powerful performance into a 15 kg check-in luggage. T.Radar Pro can be transported, installed, and operated by a single operator.
The pursuit of cost-effectiveness has made it possible to deploy a large number of radars to cover a wide surveillance area within a reasonable budget.
T.Radar Pro is a state-of-the-art software-defined all-digital 4D AESA pulse-Doppler radar. The foldable and lightweight design packs powerful performance into a 15 kg check-in luggage. T.Radar Pro can be transported, installed, and operated by a single operator.
The pursuit of cost-effectiveness has made it possible to deploy a large number of radars to cover a wide surveillance area within a reasonable budget.

Innovation character

Introducing T.Radar Pro, the world's first foldable drone detection radar. This innovative design not only enhances portability but also significantly reduces the radar's weight. Such advancements in cost-effectiveness allow for the deployment of a greater number of radars, ensuring wide surveillance coverage within a reasonable budget.

Potential for evolution

T.Radar Pro offers a blend of innovation and efficiency, making it suitable for various applications. When paired with our T.Sensor® passive detection, T.Jammer® softkill counter-measure, T.Interceptor® hardkill counter-measure, and T.Meta® cloud C2 system, it forms the industry's first active electronically scanned array AI drone-swarm defense system.

TRL8 - Real system developed