2024 innovations


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Unit 3, Woodbridge House Chapel Road Smallfield 69 Surrey


Technical document

Superhailer Marine-Military


Hall 5a - H375
Able to broadcast crystal clear live spoken word, pre-recorded messages and alerting sounds over distances of 500m+ Superhailer Marine-Military has been developed in cooperation with the French Navy SOF who are the the first customer for this new product. It is believed to be the most powerful wearable loudhailer in the world, with much easier aiming/directional targeting than loudspeakers mounted on ships or tripod based systems. Superhailer Marine-Military’s ability to be worn means it can be used by SOF, Navy, Marines and Coastguard on small vessels.
Able to broadcast crystal clear live spoken word, pre-recorded messages and alerting sounds over distances of 500m+ Superhailer Marine-Military has been developed in cooperation with the French Navy SOF who are the the first customer for this new product. It is believed to be the most powerful wearable loudhailer in the world, with much easier aiming/directional targeting than loudspeakers mounted on ships or tripod based systems. Superhailer Marine-Military’s ability to be worn means it can be used by SOF, Navy, Marines and Coastguard on small vessels.

Innovation character

The Superhailer Marine-Military is a highly innovative loudhailing system. It achieves incredibly high volumes and low divergence sound propagation from a comfortably wearable, light-weight, self-contained man-portable unit. This makes for an extremely tactically versatile tool which can be rapidly deployed to take command of dangerous situations both at sea and on land.

Potential for evolution

Potential exists for improvements in range, functionality, integration with Comand Control Systems and user interfacing.

Recognized by

  • French Navy SOF

TRL9 - Real system demonstrated