2024 innovations


Training/Simulation, Disaster/Business Continuity and Homeland Security

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Technical document

SENS – Environmental and Neurosensory Simulation


Hall 6 - F323
SENS is an ultra-fidelity environmental and neurosensory simulation centre designed to expose and train professionals to the environmental, sensory and emotional conditions experienced in crisis situations. Installed on a Toulouse University Hospital site, the purpose of SENS training center is to create ultra-realistic scenarios which stimulate all the senses (smell of blood, burning hair) in different environments: urban, industrial, night, day, under the sun, snow, wind, rain. SENS deals with training for the worst scenarios, from an attack to a natural disaster including a chemical attack.
SENS is an ultra-fidelity environmental and neurosensory simulation centre designed to expose and train professionals to the environmental, sensory and emotional conditions experienced in crisis situations. Installed on a Toulouse University Hospital site, the purpose of SENS training center is to create ultra-realistic scenarios which stimulate all the senses (smell of blood, burning hair) in different environments: urban, industrial, night, day, under the sun, snow, wind, rain. SENS deals with training for the worst scenarios, from an attack to a natural disaster including a chemical attack.

Innovation character

Why “SENS” is an innovation ? Just because it’s the very first time that such a training center has been invented for the need of first aid and medic people. “SENS” provides 364 m2 dedicated to training, innovation and research.

Potential for evolution

“SENS” training center is designed with modular structures and can be adapted to whatever user needs. New scenarios can of course be imagined depending on demand.

Recognized by

  • Cette innovation a été conçue en collaboration avec le CHU de Toulouse, à la pointe de la médecine de catastrophe

TRL9 - Real system demonstrated