2024 innovations


Detection/Location/Acquisition and Deception, Logistics for Operations – Installations, Disaster/Business Continuity and Homeland Security

I can help


LOISEAU Stéphane

Directeur général
2054 Route de Saint-Lieux 81370 SAINT-SULPICE-LA-POINTE
+33 6 80 89 70 78

Owley Handy – Search & Rescue


Hall 5a - K396 K396.
Owley offers cutting-edge search and rescue solutions that transcend traditional limitations. Our technology operates independently of infrastructure, enabling precise location and retrieval of individuals and assets in any environment. Whether indoors or outdoors, even amidst radio interference, Owley Handy offers portability that ensures swift and efficient rescue operations.
Owley offers cutting-edge search and rescue solutions that transcend traditional limitations. Our technology operates independently of infrastructure, enabling precise location and retrieval of individuals and assets in any environment. Whether indoors or outdoors, even amidst radio interference, Owley Handy offers portability that ensures swift and efficient rescue operations.

Innovation character

Owley's Handy innovation lies in its highly portable solution based on an infrastructure-less search and rescue technology, operational in various environments, even amidst radio interference, to efficiently locate and rescue people and assets in distress.

Potential for evolution

The Owley system is inherently adaptable, allowing for future integration of artificial intelligence to further enhance its penetration and resilience capabilities, thereby further increasing the chances of successful rescues

Energetic transition

The performance and optimization of Owley technology minimize energy consumption, resulting in significantly extended battery life for trackers compared to current technologies. This, in turn, helps reduce waste

TRL9 - Real system demonstrated