2024 innovations


Ground/Aerial and Naval Vehicles/Aircrafts & Boats

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+39 349 195 4705

NT Stealth Cargo Drone Swarm System


Hall 6 - CD260
The NT Stealth Cargo Drone Swarm System combines a large stealth cargo drone with the capability to release and control swarms of smaller, AI-guided drones. The stealth capabilities of the cargo drone ensure low visibility and reduced detection, making it ideal for covert operations. The primary component of the system is the Stealth Cargo Drone, a large-scale UAV designed to reduce its radar cross-section, infrared signature, and acoustic footprint. The smaller drones in the swarm are equipped with advanced AI algorithms that enable them to operate independently or in coordinated groups.
The NT Stealth Cargo Drone Swarm System combines a large stealth cargo drone with the capability to release and control swarms of smaller, AI-guided drones. The stealth capabilities of the cargo drone ensure low visibility and reduced detection, making it ideal for covert operations. The primary component of the system is the Stealth Cargo Drone, a large-scale UAV designed to reduce its radar cross-section, infrared signature, and acoustic footprint. The smaller drones in the swarm are equipped with advanced AI algorithms that enable them to operate independently or in coordinated groups.

Innovation character

NT Stealth Cargo Drone Swarm System represents a groundbreaking advancement in drone technology, combining stealth capabilities, AI-guided autonomy, and swarm intelligence. Thise innovative systems will play a crucial role in enhancing national security, protecting critical assets, and maintaining strategic advantage in an increasingly complex and dynamic threat environment.

Potential for evolution

NT Stealth Cargo Drone Swarm System has significant potential for evolution leveraging technological advancements and innovative strategies.
Advanced Stealth Technology
Future iterations of the Stealth Cargo Drone could incorporate even more advanced stealth technologies, such as adaptive camouflage, metamaterials, and active radar jamming capabilities. These enhancements would further reduce the drone's detectability, making it virtually invisible to both radar and visual detection methods.
Enhanced AI Capabilities
The AI algorithms governing the swarm drones could be further refined to improve their decision-making capabilities, adaptability, and efficiency. Machine learning techniques could enable the drones to learn from past missions, optimize routes, and anticipate potential obstacles or threats, enhancing overall mission success rates.
Sensor Fusion and Situational Awareness
Incorporating advanced sensor fusion techniques could enhance the drones' situational awareness by integrating data from multiple sensors, such as cameras, radar, lidar, and infrared imagers. This comprehensive view of the operational environment would enable more precise navigation, target detection, and threat avoidance.

Energetic transition

Incorporating alternative energy sources like solar panels or hydrogen fuel cells could further enhance the system's energy sustainability. These renewable energy sources could supplement the drone's primary power system, extending its flight endurance and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Recognized by

  • Italian MoD
  • European Defence Agency (EDA)

TRL4 - Laboratory technology verification