2024 innovations


Ground/Aerial and Naval Vehicles/Aircrafts & Boats, Sub-assemblies for Ground/Aerial and Naval Vehicles, Detection/Location/Acquisition and Deception, Training/Simulation, Field Preparation/Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Disaster/Business Continuity and Homeland Security

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Thorpark 8300 3600 GENK

KNIGHTSIM – The Multispectral Simulator


Hall 5b - D485
The digital twin and simulator offers a cutting-edge environment for optimizing multi-spectral development. Leveraging digital twin technology and generative AI, it creates a virtual replica of your sensor for comprehensive testing, performance optimization, and advanced model training without physical prototypes. Seamlessly integrating LEO Guardian, it enhances operational readiness with AI-driven analytics and photorealistic simulations. KnightSim accelerates development, rapid prototyping, and deployment, making it ideal for training, scenario planning, and decision-making enhancement.
The digital twin and simulator offers a cutting-edge environment for optimizing multi-spectral development. Leveraging digital twin technology and generative AI, it creates a virtual replica of your sensor for comprehensive testing, performance optimization, and advanced model training without physical prototypes. Seamlessly integrating LEO Guardian, it enhances operational readiness with AI-driven analytics and photorealistic simulations. KnightSim accelerates development, rapid prototyping, and deployment, making it ideal for training, scenario planning, and decision-making enhancement.

Innovation character

KnightSim stands out with its innovative digital twin technology, first of its kind and using generative AI to create exact virtual replicas of multi-spectral sensors and the complete development eco-system. From design to deployment, providing an end-to-end support with custom AI training tailored to demanding application to optimized deployment of the solution.

Potential for evolution

The simulation eco-system will evolve to provide digital twins of multispectral sensors accessible via external APIs, with AI models for detecting and identifying new targets and threats. Scenario complexity will increase, enabling end-to-end preparation and deployment of AI models for diverse situations. Future enhancements will include real-time collaboration, deeper integration with other defense systems, and continuous learning capabilities to adapt to emerging threats and environments.

TRL6 - Technology demonstration in a representative environment