2024 innovations


Services, Logistics for Operations – Installations, Medical and Emergency, Disaster/Business Continuity and Homeland Security

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Technical document

Inflatable Tent to fit medical use on the battlefield

Coreleader Biotech Co. Ltd.

Hall 5b - D211
A tent that can be set up within 10 minutes for multi-purposes on the battlefield. It serves as the MTF for wound evaluation or for the accommodation of the injured during first aid before evacuations. Tent size and camouflage are tailor-made to fit your specifications. It is a sturdy and durable one for military use.
A tent that can be set up within 10 minutes for multi-purposes on the battlefield. It serves as the MTF for wound evaluation or for the accommodation of the injured during first aid before evacuations. Tent size and camouflage are tailor-made to fit your specifications. It is a sturdy and durable one for military use.

Innovation character

The tent can be set up and dismantled within 10 minutes by a set of powerful air pumps. It could be loaded on the hand truck for easy transportation behind the front lines. All the types of equipment are portable and lightweight for transportation convenience without compromising the life-saving job.

Potential for evolution

Versatile enough to fit the militarily required multi-functions.

Recognized by

  • Training camp of Armed Froces, ROC.

TRL9 - Real system demonstrated