2024 innovations


Ground/Aerial and Naval Vehicles/Aircrafts & Boats, Sub-assemblies for Ground/Aerial and Naval Vehicles

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Amonyx Augmented Lift System

Amonyx ApS

ExtPe6a - C190
Tested and verified by major Danish universities we have developed our Augmented Lift Technology improving the aircraft lift capability significantly. Through systematic wind tunnel testing we have the following documented USP’s defined in two extremes:

- 400% lift increase during takeoff & landing (50% reduction of takeoff and landing speed)
- 50% drag reduction during all stages (25% increased range at a minimum)

Heavy lift
- 400% lift increase during takeoff & landing (100% MTOW increase same runway need)
- 50% drag reduction during all stages (Same fuel consumption higher TOW)
Tested and verified by major Danish universities we have developed our Augmented Lift Technology improving the aircraft lift capability significantly. Through systematic wind tunnel testing we have the following documented USP’s defined in two extremes:

– 400% lift increase during takeoff & landing (50% reduction of takeoff and landing speed)
– 50% drag reduction during all stages (25% increased range at a minimum)

Heavy lift
– 400% lift increase during takeoff & landing (100% MTOW increase same runway need)
– 50% drag reduction during all stages (Same fuel consumption higher TOW)

Innovation character

The Amonyx Augmented Lift System (ALS) is a patented blown lift technology providing a proven 400% lift increase during takeoff and landing and a 50% reduction of drag on the wing providing a massive reduction in fuel consumption.
Thus the ALS enables new technologies such as pure battery or hydrogen powered large aircrafts to have competitive specifications compared to regular powered aircrafts.

Potential for evolution

The ALS is a patented blown lift technology, adaptable to all fixed winged aircrafts. It requires existing wings to be replaced and has a demand of space between trailing edge of the wing and the ground.

Developed and mounted on a transport capacity such as the C-130, the wings technology will give the aircraft unique STOL capabilities with a runway need of app 200m at MTOW using existing propulsion systems. Fuel consumption will be reduced by a minimum of 25% thus enhancing the range by a minimum of 25% and reducing operational costs quite a bit.

Energetic transition

The ALS will reduce any given platform's fuel conumption by at least an estimated 25%.
The lift capabilities combined with the efficience will enable pure battery powered flights over a longer distance in larger planes or provide the needed lift capacity to carry a hydrogen tank enabling 100% hydrogen powered airplanes.

TRL6 - Technology demonstration in a representative environment