Live demonstrations

Live demonstrations: an immersive experience to showcase the Excellence of French and international manufacturers, and of the French elite units from the Armed and Security forces

Ove the space of five days, a series of exceptional live demonstrations will be presenting the outstanding know-how of French and international manufacturers, together with the prowess of the elite units of the French interior ministry and armed forces.

As part of Eurosatory 2024, watch exclusive demonstrations by the world-renowned French elite units!


The GIGN (National Gendarmerie Intervention Group) is a police unit with military status.

GIGN servicemen are trained and equipped with specific and highly sophisticated means to accomplish their missions. They are generally mobilised for very serious events: terrorism, hostage taking, to apprehend dangerous criminals in action, prison riots, risks or threats to vital state interests, and information sourcing and surveillance of particularly dangerous individuals.


The BRI (Police Search and Intervention Unit) is an investigation and intervention unit.

The BRI, also known as the “antigang”, brings together investigation and intervention units from the French police forces. These brigades combat organised crime and terrorism by conducting investigations, and are called into action during major crises. The BRI had judicial functions, and can also take part in high-risk operations. The RAID and GIGN, by contrast, do not have judicial powers.


The RAID (search, assistance, intervention, dissuasion) is an elite police unit.

The RAID is a specialist tactical unit belonging to the French Police which contributes to fighting all types of crime across the whole of France.


French Army

The French army’s mission is twofold: to defend the French people in theaters of external operations, and to protect them on their national territory.


The mobile gendarmerie

The mission of the mobile gendarmerie is to maintain and restore law and order and enhance general security. It can be deployed throughout France, in mainland France, overseas and abroad, particularly in theatres of external operations. The mobile gendarmerie specialises in the management of events such as demonstrations and sporting, cultural or diplomatic gatherings. It is also involved in crisis management, including attacks and natural disasters.

These demonstrations in real-life conditions give visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the operational capabilities of the cutting-edge equipment and systems presented by manufacturers.

A platform for technological and operational excellence

EUROSATORY will be the real-life simulation theatre for the technological and operational expertise of the sector’s leading players. Elite units: the BRI, GIGN, RAID and French Army will show off their exceptional know-how though realistic scenarios reproducing critical situations that they face every day in the course of their duties.

An unmissable meeting for media and professionals

The media and professional visitors are invited to visit EUROSATORY 2024 to witness these exceptional live demonstrations. This event provides a unique opportunity to gain an up-close understanding of the sophistication of the technologies and tactics deployed by the key defence and security players.

Innovative solutions

The live demonstrations by French and international defence manufacturers will provide an exclusive glimpse of the latest technological breakthroughs in security and defence. Visitors will have a unique opportunity to discover and test innovative solutions, cutting-edge equipment and operational strategies tailored to today’s challenges.

These demonstrations highlight the reactivity, precision and exemplary coordination of the defence forces and elite units, in guaranteeing the country’s security and the protection of its citizens, as well as the performance of the manufacturers in attendance at the exhibition.