Crisis response solutions



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Technical document

Fast explosives detection with test strips hergex

herges detection

Hall 5a
This test can reliably detect and differentiate within 15 secondes between various explosives such as self-laborates (used most of the time by terrorists) or military explosives. Working with this test, the police forces, private security companies, fire brigades, humanitarian organizations etc. can easily recognize even a very small quantity of explosive, give useful informations to the demining services before their intervention and protect humans very fast.
The test is easy tu use, has a small size (fits in a clothing pocket) and an attractive pricing.
This test can reliably detect and differentiate within 15 secondes between various explosives such as self-laborates (used most of the time by terrorists) or military explosives. Working with this test, the police forces, private security companies, fire brigades, humanitarian organizations etc. can easily recognize even a very small quantity of explosive, give useful informations to the demining services before their intervention and protect humans very fast.
The test is easy tu use, has a small size (fits in a clothing pocket) and an attractive pricing.


  • Institut für Toxikologie und Pharmakologie für Naturwissenschaftler